Friday, January 25, 2019

Newsletter 1/25/19

In Reading Workshop this week, we learned that we can "super size" our Picture Power.  When readers look really carefully at the pictures, they can figure out more words on the page.  Sometimes, an author shows something important in the picture, and doesn't write words about it!  Our Picture Power is much stronger now. 

We also studied the classic story Rumplestilskin this week, in preparation for the play.  We learned new vocabulary and concepts (what is a spinning wheel?) and we noticed/wondered a lot of great things.  Why did the daughter want to marry the king?  Why did Rumplestilskin want her baby?  We had a thoughtful whole class conversation.  Then, we celebrated our love for the tale on Friday, by seeing the play!  What fun!  If you haven't been to the Downtown Cabaret Theater in Bridgeport, you've got to check it out.

We launched our How To unit in writing and moved forward this week.  We learned that we can use some of our same tools that we used in writing narratives.  We can touch each page of our packet and plan the steps out before we write.  We are also challenging ourselves to remember the lessons of our last unit: how to make our writing more readable.

We are moving into the teen numbers in math!  These are tricky, so we're taking it slow.  We can't use our fingers to show teen numbers, we need a buddy, to form a "teen team"!  We played a guessing game while building numbers 10-12 on a ten frame.  We are beginning to learned place value.  Eleven is 1 ten an 1 one, etc.

Everyone enjoyed our push/pull investigation in science this week.  We used rulers and tubes to see how a marble would roll down them.  We experimented with lifting one side to various heights and noticing how the marble's speed changed. 

We also observed our tree outside and recorded how it has changed since we observed it last.

News and Notes:

  • Book sleeves are due on Monday.
  • K will attend an enrichment program on Monday about basketball.
  • Next week:  Groundhog and Superbowl predictions!   
Coding games

Guess my teen number

Building teen numbers on ten frames

Fun with our Push/Pull science unit

We recorded what we noticed in our science journals.

We're headed to the theater!