Friday, April 28, 2017

Newsletter 4/28

We continued our Avid Reader unit this week, trying to jump into each character's shoes.  We imagined how characters were feeling and what they might say or think.  Partners shared ideas with one another using speech bubbles or thought bubbles.  At the end of the week, we chose a story we knew really well, and tried to read it with expression.

Our persuasive writing unit is so exciting!  We looked at examples of strong, persuasive writing and noted what "tools" they used to really get their readers to listen: bold words, ALL CAPITALS, dramatic punctuation (!!!), before and after illustrations, etc.  Persuasive writers have to clearly state the problem or need, give many examples on why it's important, and then suggest at least one solution.  All of our authors began writing persuasive letters this week as well. You may be getting one!

We did another Exemplar in math this week, where we needed to add together multiple groups and clearly show our problem solving.  Students used the tools with which they were most comfortable. Some chose diagrams, others equations, tables or ten frames.  After solving the problem, we met together to share our strategies, the vocabulary words that we used and the connections we made. See our problem solving in a photo below.

We began our social studies unit on geography this week!  The students examined maps and noticed and wondered about them.  Next, we learned about the importance of a key on a map.  We used keys on various maps to find bathrooms, police stations, gift shops, etc.  Then we studied the compass rose and played games trying to give directions to get our friends to specific destinations.

In science we are learning about living things- how they grow and change over time.  First, we examined a pile of items and sorted them into living and nonliving.  We noticed that all living things  grow and reproduce.  Then, we went out to our school garden and aerated the soil while searching for creatures.  We're busy watching things grow all around us: our apple tree outside the window and even us!  We're growing, too!  We played a fun game where we matched our baby pictures to our current kindergarten pictures.  Everyone is growing!

News & Notes:
  • thank you to Mrs. Himel, Katz, Sedlock and Webb for playing games with us!
  • We are visiting the school book fair and forming our wishlists next week!  Look for your child's list in his/her backpack on Monday.  There was no Scholastic book order in April because we would love for you to go to the BOOK FAIR!
  • Monday is MAY DAY!  The Leadership League is asking all students to wear bright, spring colors.
  • Please see the post (and note sent home) about our upcoming field trip next Friday.
  • Book sleeves are due next Monday.

Our Concert was a big hit!  Great job!

Beginning Geography

Really exciting science happening right outside our window!

This week's Exemplar

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Field Trip Time!

We’re off on another field trip!
On Friday, May 5th, the Kindergarten is going to the
New Canaan Nature Center
to practice our mapping skills!

We’ve been studying the purpose and function of maps as well as learning about directionality, spatial relation and size.  We can’t wait to put our new skills to use in the real world.
Our class will be leaving promptly after announcements, so please make sure that your child is not tardy.  We will be eating snack while on our trip, so please pack your child a snack (including drink) in a disposable bag.  Make sure to label your child’s snack bag with his/her name.  We will NOT be buying snack that day, but we will be back at school in time to buy lunch/milk.  We will be wearing our field trip shirts on top of our clothes for the day (we have them at school), just to keep us all together. Please have your child wear sneakers for hiking.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. 

                                        Thank you,

                                        The K Team

Friday, April 21, 2017

Newsletter 4/21/17

We continued our Avid Reader unit this week, learning new reading activities to do with our favorite stories.  We imagined the stories in our minds first, and then acted them out with our friends.  We've also been studying a book called Gosie.  We noticed plural words, investigated pronouns, read with fluency and expression, and lastly, we made a new version of our own.

In our phonics lessons we learned a rule to help us spell words that begin with the /k/ sound.  How do you know when to start a word with a C or a K?  There's a trick!  We also learned about digraphs this week:  sh, th, ch, wh and ck.

Watch out parents, your child is learning how to be a persuasive writer!  In our new writing unit we will learn how to convince our reader to make a change or to give us something.  This week we learned that persuasive writers: 1- see a problem, 2- think of how to fix it and 3- write to the correct audience.  This week we began solving problems that we've noticed in school.  Ask your child about his/her topic.

We began subtracting numbers to find the difference this week.  We listened to some math stories and tried to figure out if we would need to add or subtract to find the answer.  We practiced doing subtraction equations as well.

Our social studies and science units combined this week as we learned about the history of Earth Day and discussed what we can do to make a difference.  We enjoyed an assembly and presentation from the Greenwich Audubon society.  We went outside and observed our apple trees, collecting data and recording our observations.  Lastly, our 5th grade buddies visited and we began a poster about being responsible for the Earth.

News & Notes:

  • K Music concert is next Tuesday, 4/25 at 9:30 in the Common Room
  • Book sleeves are due on Monday, but will be refilled on Tuesday.
Acting out "Sleepy Dog"

Acting out a book about flying planes.

When do you begin a word with a C and when do you use a K?

Earth Day fun with chalk

Recording our apple tree observations

Using dominoes to add

The "Bird Man" from the Audubon Society teaches us about our new birdhouses 

Friday, April 7, 2017

Newsletter 4/7/17

What an exciting week we've had!

In Reading Workshop this week, we learned that avid readers have book play dates, where they have fun with their books in groups.  We combined partnerships into play date groups and learned what we can do on a book play date.  Everyone enjoyed organizing their play dates and reading together.

We edited and published our All About pieces and made projects to match our topics.  They are all on display on the hallway bulletin board.  See our anchor chart photo below.

We continued combining multiple groups while using addition this week.  We worked on an Exemplar about a boy who went to a pumpkin patch 3 times, picking a different amount of pumpkins each time.  How many pumpkins did he have in all?  How do you know?  See our problem solving chart below.

We had a scientist from Mad Science visit this week.  Ask your child about his cool experiments!

News & Notes:
Our Exemplar problem solving

Reading play dates!

Putting final touches on our All About writing

Fun experiments!

Our All About writing anchor chart
  • Save the Date: 4/25  9:30 am Kindergarten Concert