We continued our Avid Reader unit this week, learning new reading activities to do with our favorite stories. We imagined the stories in our minds first, and then acted them out with our friends. We've also been studying a book called
Gosie. We noticed plural words, investigated pronouns, read with fluency and expression, and lastly, we made a new version of our own.
In our phonics lessons we learned a rule to help us spell words that begin with the /k/ sound. How do you know when to start a word with a C or a K? There's a trick! We also learned about
digraphs this week: sh, th, ch, wh and ck.
Watch out parents, your child is learning how to be a
persuasive writer! In our new writing unit we will learn how to convince our reader to make a change or to give us something. This week we learned that persuasive writers: 1- see a problem, 2- think of how to fix it and 3- write to the correct audience. This week we began solving problems that we've noticed in school. Ask your child about his/her topic.
We began subtracting numbers to find the
difference this week. We listened to some math stories and tried to figure out if we would need to add or subtract to find the answer. We practiced doing subtraction equations as well.
Our social studies and science units combined this week as we learned about the history of Earth Day and discussed what we can do to make a difference. We enjoyed an assembly and presentation from the Greenwich Audubon society. We went outside and observed our apple trees, collecting data and recording our observations. Lastly, our 5th grade buddies visited and we began a poster about being
responsible for the Earth.
News & Notes:
- K Music concert is next Tuesday, 4/25 at 9:30 in the Common Room
- Book sleeves are due on Monday, but will be refilled on Tuesday.
Acting out "Sleepy Dog" |
Acting out a book about flying planes. |
When do you begin a word with a C and when do you use a K? |
Earth Day fun with chalk |
Recording our apple tree observations |
Using dominoes to add |
The "Bird Man" from the Audubon Society teaches us about our new birdhouses |