Friday, September 30, 2016

Newsletter 9/30/16

Happy birthday Johnny Appleseed!  We did everything with apples this week, in celebration of Mr. John Chapman's birthday on 9/26.  We counted apples, read apple poems and studied the seasons of the apple tree.  We are so lucky to have apple trees growing right outside our window!

Our math lessons this week were about: developing strategies to accurately count and keep track of quantities up to ten, creating an equivalent set and representing quantities with pictures, numbers and words.  We counted and sorted all kinds of things- even ourselves!  We began making a counting book, too.  We are working on numeral formation in both math and handwriting lessons.

We are building our reading stamina and learning new sight words.  This week we looked for words we know in our favorite books.  We had fun retelling classic tales, like The Three Bears by Paul Galdone.  Our emergent story reading unit focuses on reading many classics.  They're great for your kids to "read" because a child can tell the story just but following what's happening in the illustrations.  No need to really be able to "read" it quite yet.  Retelling in your own words is an important skill!

Our writing is really taking off.  The students are growing more and more comfortable with taking risks with their spelling and beginning to be independent writers.  This week we learned how writers can solve their own problems, such as generate a new topic or get a new pencil.  We also learned that authors close their eyes and "make a picture in their minds" before they jump into their drawing and writing.

News and Notes:  No School on Monday

Remember to pack a disposable snack for your child next Wednesday for our field trip.  We will return to school in time for lunch.  Also, dress your child for playground fun- sneakers and pants/jeans please.

Don't forget to check out today's Second Step lesson about FOCUSING in your child's backpack.  

Coming up:  Columbus and Fire Safety (be on the lookout for fire safety homework next week)

Math and Reading

Creating equal sets in math lessons

Retelling favorite stories in Reading Workshop

Friday, September 23, 2016

Newsletter 9/23

We are really challenging ourselves as readers!  We have a "reading guage" in our classroom which measures how "long and strong" we can read during our workshop time.  This week we discussed book handling skills and vocabulary.  We use words like "title" and "cover" instead of "name" and "front".  We all agree that we want to learn to read!  We want to read books and recipes and the writing on our t-shirts, but MOST importantly...   we want to read birthday invitations!

We officially began Writing Workshop this week.  Ask your child about our "writing club".  We brainstormed ideas and voted on a name: "Mrs. Henry's Writers"!  We're so excited to be authors and share stories and ideas.  This week we learned how writers begin a piece and "when you're done, you've just begun!".

Echo and Baby Echo taught us about a few vowels this week.  We examined our name and words around the room, and found that they ALL have vowels!

We did "Wet, Dry, Try" for the first time in our handwriting lessons.  We are learning about "Frog Jump Letters".

In our math lessons, we collected and organized data and classified objects by various attributes.  Ask your child about the "Button Match Up" game!

We began Second Steps and learned our Skills for Learning.  Check out the homework sheet sent home for more information.  We also began to talk about Johnny Appleseed!  His birthday is on Monday!

In Science, we made a word web about fall.  We can't wait for everything that it brings!

Centers Fun!

What a fun week!  Here we are learning new activities and routines during Centers time.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Ox Ridge Code

The Ox Ridge Code:

At our school, we are:
kind and accepting,
honest and responsible,
safe and peaceful,
respectful to all.

The Darien Elementary School’s Code is on display in every teaching and learning space in our elementary schools.  The code, intentionally written in simple, memorable language, is intended to remind students about our expectations for appropriate behavior at all times.  We recite it every morning after the Pledge of Allegiance.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Newsletter 9/16/16

We have had such a fun week of school!

We studied the books in our classroom library this week and made decisions on how to sort them out and store them.  Now we'll know where to find our favorite books and where to put them away.  Ask your child about the various "book bins" we've established in our library so far.  We also had fun reading "Jack Be Nimble" and putting our own names into the poem.  We even acted it out! Everyone got their own Book of Poetry for collecting poems throughout the year.  This was our first one.

We are authors!  It's so exciting to teach kindergartners that they can write books, just like authors they love.  We are making "All About Me" books to give to you at Open House.  We also wrote a class book called "We Share Everything", based on Robert Munch's silly story.  We are learning about "kindergarten spelling" during Writing Workshop and how to take risks and try our best.  More about this at Open House...

We've been exploring the tools that we'll use in our math lessons: connecting cubes, geoblocks, color tiles and pattern blocks.  We're learning how to share and help one another.  Teamwork and partner work is a big part of kindergarten, and we're really working on establishing a foundation of cooperation for a great year.

In Handwriting this week we learned about the correct way to grip a pencil... but no stress, parents- this takes a long time to master!  We had a fun time making letters using our wooden pieces: big line, little line, big curve and little curve.

We continued our social studies lessons on building a safe community this week.  We practiced a fire drill, discussed the bus contract and learned about the Ox Ridge Code.  We learned how everyone in the school can earn feathers for outstanding behavior!  Those feathers get posted on our big owl bulletin board in the front hallway.

Mr. Evers from the Animal Embassy came and showed us his amazing animals!  We learned about being kind to everyone- even animals!  It is a good thing that we look different and have different strengths/abilities.  We must embrace our differences because they're what makes us special!  You're the BEST at being you.

News and Notes:

  • Open House next Thursday 9/22 8-8:30 pm.

Exploring math tools!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Math Curriculum-based Games and Activities

Click here to access K-1 games and activities that correspond with our math curriculum, Investigations.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Fun times during our first week in K!

Here is your first newsletter 9/4/16

This week in math, we met the first Shape Friends!  Have you seen the puppets coming home?  Ask your child to search for shapes throughout the house and sing each shapes rhyme to you.  Many students already know their shapes and this review helps to build confidence while working with familiar concepts.  Plus, while making our puppets and Shape Book pages, we're learning where classroom materials are kept, and how to use them.

In writing this week we learned about the "3 color rule" where every illustration should have at least three colors.  Did you know that illustrators who use many colors often learn to write with rich details?  We made our self portraits this week which are hanging up in the hallway.  Check them out!  We also wrote about our hopes for this year and learned that in kindergarten our spelling does not have to be perfect!

We read so many stories this week about beginning school and meeting new friends.  Our favorite were the versions of "Who Took the Cookie".  We compared versions and then we wrote our own!  Be on the lookout for class-made books coming home for you to look at for the night.  They are in "Traveling Book" envelopes.  When you get one, read it with your child and send it back to school the next day please.

In phonics lessons, we met Echo and Baby Echo, who help us learn letter sounds.  We are beginning to learn letter stories that will help us memorize letter sounds.

In handwriting, we learned about the pieces we need to form letters: big lines, little lines, big curves and little curves.  We played with wooden lines and curves and used them to create shapes.

We have done a lot of social studies this week!  We are working to build our classroom community.  We took a tour of the classroom and learned how to care for our materials.  We also agreed on some classroom rules to keep us all safe and happy.

News and Notes:  

  • Kindergarten Coffee 9/16  
  • Don't forget to fill in your child's heart homework due this coming Monday 9/12
  • Scholastic Order deadline:  Next Thursday 9/15 by 3:45 pm (see Scholastic tab to the left of our blog to access the site and get ordering directions).
  • Have you sent in your child's art smock and ziploc baggie of emergency clothes?