Friday, January 18, 2019

Newsletter 1/18/19

In Reading Workshop this week, we learned more about how sight words can help us read.  We read sight words quickly, but slow down when we come across a word we don't know, so we can "activate our super size sound power".  So, our reading rate changes from fast to slow as we read a book for the first time.  We also learned that even though a sight word has a special ending, we can still read it!  If we come across a word like "sees" or "looked", we just find the base sight word and then we can read it.  Readers are constantly checking their reading: "Does it look right?  Does it sound right?  Does it make sense?".  If not, we don't keep reading!

We celebrated all that we learned in our narrative writing unit and moved on to "How To" writing.  We examined "How To" books to see their attributes and then we tried to write that way, too.  We're off to a pretty good start!  Everyone is an expert at something and has something to teach (how to brush your teeth, get ready for soccer, pack your snack, etc).

In math, we reviewed numerals 1-10 and learned how to recognize and represent them on a ten frame.  We are moving on to teen numbers!  We also played a card game called "Top It!" where we compared quantities.

We began a new science unit on Pushes and Pulls this week.  It is so much fun!  We are observing like scientists as we use force to make things move.  We are watching balls rolling and cars zooming across the cafeteria floor!  What is the difference between a big push and a small push?  How do you know?  See photos below.

We learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his contributions to our country.

Enjoy the long weekend!

News and Notes:
  • Save the Date:  K Valentine Concert on 2/14 at 9:30 am.  All are welcome.
  • Field Trip next Friday!  Please see the blue note sent home for important information.
  • Library books and book sleeves due on Tuesday

Pushing Matchbox cars across the cafeteria...

... and recording our results/findings.

Big push vs. small push results

Representing quantities on a ten frame

Card game fun