We learned how to "super size" our Sound Power in Reading Workshop this week. When books get harder, readers need to look at words and sounds more carefully. We learned that readers not only look at the first letter of a word, but also search for blends and read sounds all the way to the end of a word.
We edited our narrative story and made a cover for it. Our stories are great! We also wrote 2 separate narrative pieces this week.
We began lower case letter writing this week, learning about letters that are the same shape as they are in capital form. We familiarized ourselves with lower case writing lines, and learned that lower case letters can be tall, stay in the middle space, or descend below the writing line.
We spoke about the passage of time in math this week, solidifying our understanding of "before" and "after". We also did an Exemplar problem solving activity in our math lessons this week. See the attached photos for more information.
On Teddy Bear Sleepover Day, we read
Corduroy, sequenced the events of the story, and wrote about our favorite part. We also made our own bears to decorate the classroom. They're hanging all over the ceiling! We read to and wrote about our bears, too. We were so surprised to see the trouble they made during the night! See photos below.
News and Notes:
- Book sleeves are due on Monday
- No School 1/18 and 1/21
- Please be sure to label hats, mittens, etc
Before and after school I... |
Lower case letter work |
The beginning of our Exemplar |
Solving the Exemplary using various manipulative models |
Various diagrams to solve our Exemplar |
Our Class Diagram |
Reading with our bears |
Look at what the bears did last night! |