Friday, November 9, 2018

Newsletter 11/9/18

We learned all of our super powers in Reading Workshop this week and we are doing so well as readers!  We reflected on our strengths and we made goals for the future.  Everyone identified their weakest super power (the one they use the least) and then we wrote it on a "super power cuff" to wear on our wrist while reading.  This cuff gives us a super reminder to exercise that power!  See photos below.  

Our read aloud for the week was Sheila Rae the Brave by Kevin Henkes.  Ask your child about her adventure with her sister.

In Writer's Workshop, we learned how to talk about our writing.  Some of our 5th Grade Buddies came to hear us.  See the anchor chart below to see how we formed our conversations.  This was hard work.  We're not used to speaking about our work, but it's what authors do, so we're working on it.  We also practiced writing sentences with "finger spaces".

In math this week we used new vocabulary while ordering and matching objects.  We used words like "taller", "shorter", "longest" and "shortest".  Look for opportunities to use these words at home.

We had an amazing scientist visit the school this week as well as Cole's grandfather, Mr. Sloat, who is a veteran.  We made cards for the veteran visitors and enjoyed asking Mr. Sloat our questions.

News and Notes:
  • Next week we will be forming our "tribe" for our Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast which will be the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.  We'll be working hard on costumes, etc.  Please note: due to space constraints, the feast is for students only.  Look for information coming home next week.
5th Grade friends hear about our writing

Cards for veterans

The Dancing Scientist

Singing for the veterans 

Learning new sounds

Asking Mr. Sloat our questions

Our Super Reading Cuffs

Fun at Choice Time!