We continued to examine nonfiction books this week. We looked at different types of nonfiction texts and tried to figure out the main idea by saying "This book is mostly about..." after we read it. We also read a poem about kites and added it to our Poetry Book. Then we made kites to fly in our classroom! Last, we read
Yoko by Rosemary Wells and discussed what the most important part of the book is.
We didn't do a lot of writing on our nonfiction pieces this week, but we did try to finish one and begin another. We are using Sharing Time to help us get ideas for writing. When your child shares, s/he can teach the class all about a topic, usually the topic s/he is writing about in Writing Workshop at the time. The classmates ask the sharer questions, and we may use those questions to think about details we can add to our writing.
We finished up our math unit on shapes and did some work on patterns this week. We are beginning a new unit on numbers 1-100. Look for the note sent home on Thursday for more information about our new unit, and how you can support our learning at home.
Author Alan Katz visited this week and we had a High Touch, High Tech program visit and do a fun program about forces. This corresponded with our Push and Pull unit in science. See the fun photos below.
News and Notes: