We are such amazing readers! In Reading Workshop this week, we learned that storybook readers can look at the picture to know what's happening, can speak in the character's voice, can use connecting words when pages are turned and can use the exact words that the characters use. We practiced reading our books alone and with a partner, and now we're reading them to you! I hope you've enjoyed hearing your young reader exercise his/her new pre-reading skills.
We are such amazing writers! In Writing Workshop, we picked one piece to "fix and fancy" (edit). Then, we learned how to edit our work, adding more details to the drawings, adding more words and adding more sounds to the words. Lastly, we colored it in and had a fun celebration! We toasted our success with a glass of "bubbly" (sparkling cider) and proclaimed, "WE ARE GREAT AUTHORS!". Look for your child's published piece coming home today. Remember that it needs to be sent back to school after you look at it. All published work will go home at the end of the year. We keep it to reflect on all that we've learned come June.
In our phonics lessons, we learned new letter sounds and sight words. We now know: the, a, an, I and see. Search for these words in books while reading with your child. It's great to play "I spy a sight word that you know on this page". Your child can play and so can you; let him/her spy the words, too!
In math, we extended our lessons on same and different and worked on counting to, recognizing, writing and building with 6 objects. We also used our chrome books for the first time! We got to go onto our Dreambox accounts!
In our social studies lessons, we discussed what character traits make a good citizen and a good friend. We also met our 5th Grade Buddies this week! We had a blast meeting our buddy and interviewing one another.
News and Notes:
- Fire safe meeting place homework due next Wednesday
- Please read the green note coming home today regarding bringing an item in on Monday.
- Send your child's published writing piece back by Wednesday.
- Send your child's rough draft folder back in to school ASAP.
- Our class is visiting the Book Fair next Tuesday. Please look for your child's wish list in his/her backpack that day.
Learning letters and sounds on our magnet boards |
"You monkeys you! You give me back my caps!" |
Chrome book fun! |
Counting six |
Checking our counting by measuring |
Sight word searching |
Our published pieces! |
Words we can say or write when we turn the page... |