We activated more super powers in Reading Workshop this week. "Snap Word (sight word) Power" helps us to anchor our pointer fingers. Snap words help us make sure that our pointer finger is touching the word that our mouths are saying. When a reader says a snap word, his/her finger should be pointing to it while tracking. We also learned "Picture Power"! If I don't know a word, looking at the picture is one of the most powerful ways to help. Encourage your child to look at the picture when s/he is stuck on a tough word. We also read the poem "Five Little Pumpkins", highlighting snap words and making sure to read it with 1:1 word correspondence.
We started writing Show and Tell books about places we've been this week. We learned that we can pick a place to write about, and each page in our book can describe a different part of that place. Then, we can draw and write about each part, adding sight words, and even adjectives to our writing.
We finished studying number nine this week and we're focusing on "more than" and "less than". What number is
one more than 3? What number is
one less than 6? What number
comes before 5? What two numbers
come after 7? We're using number lines to help us with these skills. We're also working on establishing 1:1 correspondence while comparing amounts.
We continued our study of severe weather in our science lessons this week. We went down the the library and researched our weather and recorded our findings. We enjoyed using the library website, PebbleGo!, to help us with our research.
Last, we played a fun Halloween teamwork game with our 5th Grade Buddies. We had a skeleton building relay race!
Thank you to our wonderful pumpkin carvers and to Mrs. McAnany for roasting the seeds! What a treat!
News and Notes:
- Halloween Parade 10/31 at 9:45 am. Feel free to send in costumes in advance. We'll keep them safe here and send them home that day.
Multi-sensory practice writing number nine |
Scientists notice and wonder |
The Traveling Lantern Company does a Sherlock Holmes show |
Researching in the Library |
Hurricanes! |
Tornadoes! |
Thunderstorms! |
Blizzards! |
THANK YOU pumpkin carvers! |
Yummy pumpkin seeds! |
Reading with 1:1 correspondence |
1:1 correspondence in our math lessons |
Skeleton Relays! |