We finished up our unit on reading nonfiction texts are we switched reading partners!
In math, we reviewed numeral formation (1-20) and worked to fill in blanks on a number line. We used ten frames to teach us about teen numbers and place value. We also reviewed various ways to make 10.
In our "All About" writing unit, we learned that authors don't just write one sentence on a page, but write as much as they can in each part.
Our current social studies unit is on economics and that means studying needs versus wants. We read a book teaching about the difference between the two and then we sorted out various items onto a table. We had a very interesting conversation about whether we NEED or just WANT certain items (I find this a very helpful lesson for parents)! Do we need video games to survive or do we just want them? Ask your child to tell you about his/her needs (water, food, shelter, clothing, air, etc).
We connected this lesson to working like a team to list everything our new friend, Stellan Morgan, will need in our classroom. Everyone helped contribute to the list and we began to get him his things. Then Stellan visited on Thursday! Everyone was so excited to meet him. Stellan's first full day will be on Monday. Welcome!
Thank you to Mrs. DiBenedetto, Mrs. Katz, Mrs. Law and Mrs. Murphy for coming for Games time!
News and Notes:
- Book sleeves are due on Monday
- We are going on a field trip on Thursday. Make sure to pack a disposable snack and drink (see email sent)
- SPRING is coming!
- Illustrator Lizzy Rockwell visits Ox Ridge 3/21