We began our last unit in Reading Workshop this week: Character Studies. We read some of
Amelia Bedelia, but before we read, we spent a long time looking at the pictures. A reader can learn a lot about a character by just looking at the illustrations.
We finished up our persuasive writing this week. The students wrote one last persuasive piece suggesting a place where the Henry Family should go out to dinner! The most popular was Shake Shack, with Post Corner following. Students really tried to convince me to take my kids out!
In math, we are finishing up a quick unit on addition stories. Look for more information coming home today.
We were out three times observing living things this week! We are such amazing scientists. We observed where animals were hiding and wondered why they were hiding there. We looked at what animals were doing, and wondered why they were doing it. Lastly, we joined our 5th Grade buddies in the garden for one last nature study. Together, we used our five senses to examine the environment.
News and Notes:
- FIELD DAY is on Monday from 1:30-3 pm. Please dress your child in his/her color (see note coming home today) and sneakers. Students should also bring a water bottle labeled with your child's name. Please put sunscreen on your child before school, but better yet, stop by and apply a fresh coat in the afternoon.
- All book sleeves are due on Monday. The book room will be closed for inventory.
- Please let me know if your child will not be in school through the half day on 6/18. I want to make sure to pack everyone up and get everything home.
- The first class to return all of their library books will win a prize! Please send all books back ASAP!
Scientists making observations in nature |
Nature Walk #2 |
Addition games |
May's wonderful weather |
Buddies in the garden |