Friday, February 8, 2019

Newsletter 2/8/19

We celebrated the end of our Bigger Books, Bigger Muscles unit in Reading Workshop this week.  We "super sized" our Partner Power and Book Talk Power by predicting about and retelling, both fiction and non-fiction texts.  We learned that super readers can choral read, which means that we can read the same book at the same time.  This is tricky, because we have to use our eyes AND our ears to listen to one another.

We read some mentor texts in Writing Workshop and tried to use the same writing strategies in our writing.  How To authors often include a list of materials needed, some helpful tips or a safety warning.  We can do that in our writing, too!

We are learning more and more sight words and tapping out sounds in our phonics lessons.  Pick any CVC word (consonant, vowel, consonant- i.e. "dog") and ask your child to show you how to tap it. We are also beginning to tap words with digraphs and blends.

We finished our unit on teen numbers in math!  We put them in order, compared them and played "Guess the Number" while giving hints with words like "more than" and "less than".

We had a super fun 100th Day!  We counted our mac and cheese boxes, by ones, fives and tens.  See the photo below to know how many we collected.  We made a hundreds hat and played mystery number 1-100.  We all enjoyed watching the First Grade Centurion Parade, too.

We continued our science unit on pushes and pulls.  This week we learned that pushes and pulls can have different strengths and directions; a bigger push or pull makes things speed up or slow down more quickly; and we analyzed and interpreted what the effect will be when the balls collide.

We also had our first music rehearsal. This is going to be an ADORABLE show! You won't want to miss it!

News and Notes:
  • Kindergarten Valentine Show 2/14 at 9:30. All grown ups and younger siblings invited. (Ox Ridge siblings must remain in class)
  • Book bags due on Monday
  • Send in your child's valentines! We'll store them here until next Thursday when we deliver.
Sight word games

Building teen numbers with tens and ones

Putting teen numbers in order

Wind is a pushing force

109 boxes of macaroni and cheese!  THANK YOU!  

Comparing and ordering numbers 1-20

Experimenting with collisions

Music Rehearsal!