In Writing Workshop we learned that we should label as many things in our picture as possible, so our readers can know the whole story. We used imaginary rubber bands to help us "stretch out" words and hear many sounds. Then we used the letter line in the classroom to match the sound to a letter, and then we wrote it on our piece! Everyone can spell! Words don't need to be spelled perfectly; everyone just needs to try their best.
In math this week we worked on counting groups of 4 and 5 while continuing to compare groups using "same" and "different". We are also combining math and handwriting lessons to write numerals. This week we focused on 1 and 4. We used our slates for the first time and did a multi-sensory writing activity called "Wet, Dry, Try". Ask your child about it.
In phonics, we are learning the most important words of all, our names! We stamped them and spelled them with magnets.
In our social studies unit, we watched a video clip of a boy who was behaving in an unexpected way. We talked about what "expected" and "unexpected" mean.
In science, we did our first tree observation. We learned that scientists look closely and examine things, and then record what they see. We are lucky to have 2 crab apple trees right outside our window! We went to our "Observation Station" and drew the trees exactly as we saw them.
News and Notes:
- Class Photos next Wednesday, 9/26
Kindergarten spelling |
Wet, Dry, Try |
A scientist's tree observation |
Puzzles with Dr. Forshaw! |
Phonics Fun! |