Friday, September 28, 2018

Newsletter 9/28/18

In Reading Workshop this week we learned how all of the book bins in our classroom are organized.  We learned our first sight word, "the" and we searched for it in books.  We found it all over!  We also read our favorite stories by looking at the pictures, remembering the story, and adding our own words.  Look for a book sleeve coming home soon!  It will contain one of our favorite emergent story books for your child to "read" to you!

In Writing Workshop we learned that if we have more to teach about a topic, we can add another page, but, we have to make sure that the pages go together.  We combined our phonics and writing lessons when we learned about using the letter line to help us match sounds we hear in words to the corresponding letter.  We are using imaginary rubber bands to stretch out every word and hear as many sounds as possible.

In math this week we applied the concept of making and finding subtle differences in pictures.

For science, we collected all of our weather data for the month of September and looked for weather patterns.  Then we put our findings in our science notebook.

In social studies, we read Have You Filled A Bucket Today? and learned how to be bucket fillers!  This is SUCH a great story.  Seek out a copy if you haven't heard of it.  We made a new display in our hallway with our bucket filling ideas.  We also learned about different sizes of problems that may arise.  We sorted them out by how many people, and how much time is needed to solve them.  Lastly, we reviewed "expected" behaviors and had a chance to practice them.  See the attached photos for more information.

Lastly, we watched this hilarious video to reinforce our "Whole Body Listening" lessons.  You don't want to miss this!Click here for the Youtube video

News and Notes:

  • Scholastic book orders are due next Thursday
Comparing same and different in math

Matching names to faces

Ready to practice expected behavior on the playground

"Stretching out" sound in our writing (Carrot Seed)

Stopping for movement breaks!

Our September weather data

Friday, September 21, 2018

Newsletter 9/21/18

In Reading Workshop this week we learned that we can "add a pinch of ourselves" to a non-fiction book while we're speaking with a partner.  We can tell our partner "I think...." and share our ideas.  We also learned that if we look at the picture and see something important, we can also look for that word in the text!  We enjoyed searching through the words while using a pointer finger.

In Writing Workshop we learned that we should label as many things in our picture as possible, so our readers can know the whole story.  We used imaginary rubber bands to help us "stretch out" words and hear many sounds.  Then we used the letter line in the classroom to match the sound to a letter, and then we wrote it on our piece!  Everyone can spell!  Words don't need to be spelled perfectly; everyone just needs to try their best.

In math this week we worked on counting groups of 4 and 5 while continuing to compare groups using "same" and "different".  We are also combining math and handwriting lessons to write numerals.  This week we focused on 1 and 4.  We used our slates for the first time and did a multi-sensory writing activity called "Wet, Dry, Try".  Ask your child about it.

In phonics, we are learning the most important words of all, our names!  We stamped them and spelled them with magnets.

In our social studies unit, we watched a video clip of a boy who was behaving in an unexpected way.  We talked about what "expected" and "unexpected" mean.

In science, we did our first tree observation.  We learned that scientists look closely and examine things, and then record what they see.  We are lucky to have 2 crab apple trees right outside our window!  We went to our "Observation Station" and drew the trees exactly as we saw them.

News and Notes:
  • Class Photos next Wednesday, 9/26
Kindergarten spelling
Wet, Dry, Try

A scientist's tree observation

Puzzles with Dr. Forshaw!

Phonics Fun!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Newsletter 9/14/18

In Reading Workshop this week, we learned that we can learn a lot through "reading" books that we're calling "learn-about-the-world-books" (non-fiction).  We begin by looking at the cover and thinking about what we may learn.  Then, we can take our time, looking at every picture very carefully, to learn more and more.  We also learned how to read with a partner.  We sit hip to hip, with one book in the middle, taking turns talking about books. Our current read aloud book is The Three Billy Goats Gruff and our shared reading book is Mrs. Wishy Washy

In Writing Workshop this week, we learned that even if something is hard to draw or write, we should still try our best, so our story is told.  We learned that we are the bosses of our own writing and we can solve a lot of problems by ourselves!

In our math lessons, we focused on understanding and demonstrating the concept of same and different.  We played many games, comparing items.  We also counted to and wrote the numeral three.

In handwriting, we built capital letters with our wooden pieces on the mat.

In social studies, we practiced a fire drill and agreed upon a group of rules for our meeting area.  Ask your child what the Listening Rules are (eyes watching, ears listening, voice quiet and body still).

News and Notes:
  • No School next Wednesday
Private reading time

Partner reading time

Capitals on the mat

Math investigations of "same" and "different"

Friday, September 7, 2018

Newsletter 9/7/18

In Reading Workshop this week we learned that we are all readers!  We found words that we can read by looking closely and thinking.  There were so many words in the room that we could read- we made a huge list!  We are spending time with our first emergent storybook, The Carrot Seed. Ask your child to tell you about the story.

In phonics, we met Echo and Baby Echo, learned 3 sound stories, and practiced using our magnet letter boards.

In handwriting, we used big lines, little lines, big curves and little curves to make a person.  His name is Mat Man.  We also learned how to make Mat Woman.  We are trying to no longer make stick figures.  Look for your child's work coming home today.

We launched Writing Workshop this week, too!  We can be writers, just like our favorite authors.  This week we learned that writers always write about a topic with which they are familiar.  Writers use pictures and words to tell stories and to teach.  We tried to do that, too!

In math this week we counted groups of one and two and wrote the corresponding numerals.  We also spent time exploring our classroom math tools, how to use them safely, how to work as a team, how to help a friend, and how to clean up.

In social studies, we read one of my favorite books, The Crayon Box that Talked.  We discussed how the crayons treated one another.  Then we learned the word community and what it meant.  We are just like the box of crayons, working together in a community, learning to get along.  We also thought and wrote about our hopes and dreams for this year. 

News and Notes:

  • 9/10  No School
  • 9/13  Class Coffee (please attend to sign up for volunteer opportunities in the classroom)
  • 9/13  Scholastic Book orders due by 3:45 pm
Writing about our hopes and dreams for K

Exploring new math tools

Learning together during phonics lessons

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Welcome to our Class Blog of 2018-2019!

                              Welcome to our Classroom!