We continued our reading play dates this week and everyone is enjoying them. We read a book called
Plants Can't Stand Still multiple times, acting it out, learning new vocabulary and discussing all that it teaches. We also had a short and sweet exposure to poetry. We learned that poems encourage us to make pictures in our minds and poets get to break writing rules! Some poets don't even write in straight lines! We compared poems and story books. Everyone is excited to have a new bin full of books in our classroom: poetry!
We all enjoyed author Alyssa Capucilli's visit on Thursday. She was a wonderful speaker and showed us how her books are made.
We shared our persuasive writing pieces with the authors in Mrs. G's classroom this week. We wrote a few more pieces where students tried to persuade me to go to certain restaurants and vacation destinations. Those are so much fun to read. Last, we wrote goodbye letters to Mrs. Valenzano who is retiring this year.
We strengthened our addition skills this week, exploring various equations that make 5. Then we did equations with sums to 10. We worked on horizontal and vertical equations, and even a bit of algebra (2 + ? = 5)!
We went on a nature walk, searching for animals, noticing what they were doing and wondering why they were doing it. Then we recorded our findings in our science journal. We also studied animals' survival strategies. We watched a video of animals using their "survival super powers", acted it out, and then recorded our ideas.
We launched our Leadership Campaign in our classroom this week. We had a class discussion about what leaders do/say/look like and we made a list (see attached). We're all trying to be leaders in our room. At the end of each day, we reflect on who was a leader and why. We count how many leaders we've had that day and we hope for more tomorrow!
We also discussed Memorial Day and why we don't have school on Monday.
News and Notes:
- No School 5/28 Enjoy the long weekend!
- Field Day 6/4 10-11:30 am Families are invited to attend to watch some or all of the games. Please send your child to school with a water bottle (with ice) and wearing sunscreen and sneakers.
- 6/19 Class Celebration 2-3 pm. Join us for snack, a project and free choice time
Aylssa Capucilli |
What her books look like after they're printed |
This sparrow flew out of this bird box, but is staying close by while we observe. Why? |
Sharing our persuasive pieces with friends in Mrs. G's room |
Equation games |
Scientific findings |
Moving like praying mantises |
Reading play date fun |