We continued to strengthen our reading muscles in Reading Workshop this week. We learned that sometimes readers have to slow down to figure out a tricky word, but other times readers can read a word in a snap! Before we read a page together, we would look at the picture to get in idea of words we may encounter, then we take a quick glance at the text for sight (snap) words, and then we're ready to try to read the page. Once we've read a story once, we can read it again with improved fluency. Practice this routine with your child's books from his/her book sleeve.
We published our amazing how-to pieces in Writing Workshop! Our partners helped us to edit, as usual, and we celebrated by hanging them all in the hallway. Come and check out your child's work!
In math, we helped a grocer make boxes five and then ten red and green apples. How many combinations can he make? We worked with a partner to find all the ways. We quickly learned a strategy to help us keep track. See our chart below...
We were so excited to load all of our cans of tuna on the food pantry truck on Thursday.
Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you to everyone who came to our show! We had a great time delivering our valentines on Wednesday.
We learned a bit about presidents Washington and Lincoln. What were their lives like when they were kids?
News and Notes:
- LOOK FOR YOUR CHILD'S GREEN SEUSS SHEET SENT HOME TODAY. It contains important information for some Seuss fun after vacation!
- Place your February/March book order on Scholastic by 2/27
- Book sleeves due 2/26
- Enjoy your vacation!
Ways to make 5 |
Ways to make 10 |
Exercising our reading muscles |
Partners edit our writing |
Time for Valentine delivery! |
Loading on the tuna cans! |
Intersting patterns we found in our math explorations this week |