Happy December!
We set up our new calendar today and discussed all the exciting events to come this month.
In Reading Workshop, we "shopped" for Just Right books for the first time this week. We learned new reading routines: sitting back-to-back for private reading and then hip-to-hip for partner reading. We also learned the difference between a Just Right book and a "Look Book" (that is too hard to read independently, but a good book just the same). We also learned that Super Readers pay attention to punctuation while reading. We hunted for punctuation marks and had fun adjusting our voices to reflect the marks.
We read two versions of
The Gingerbread Boy, compared them, and then gingerbread kids of our own!
In Writing Workshop, we went through our old writing to see what we could re-read and what we couldn't. Then, we made a chart listing what makes our writing readable. We are using this chart to guide us every day. We also learned that authors are constantly rereading their sentences and a pencil can be like a magic wand! An eraser helps be a pointer for rereading and then we flip the pencil to write the next word!
In math, we continued to examine, form and extend patterns using various tools. We played a game with a partner called "What comes next?" and we made pattern snakes to display. We also played many math games with our Gaming volunteers on Wednesday. THANK YOU so much for coming in!
We had an amazing assembly this week by a group called Infinite Roots. Ask your child about the drumming!
In our science lessons, we gathered November's weather data and discussed what "unseasonable" weather is. We had an "unseasonably warm" November!
We did a Second Steps lesson in social studies this week and we learned how looking at a friend's facial expression AND paying attention to the situation, can help you understand how another is feeling. We played a game called "What's My Feeling?" to work on these skills.
News and Notes:
- Book sleeves are due Monday. All students who return their book sleeves will receive new books.
- Our pajama drive continues through the 15th. Please consider sending in new pjs for local children in need.
- Please pack a snack every day next week. The cafeteria will not be selling snack.
Math games |
Building and extending patterns |
Our current anchor chart for Writing Workshop |
Infinite Roots assembly |
Sitting back-to-back and reading Just Right books |
Rereading with a pointer finger |
November's most popular pies! Collecting and organizing data |
sight word practice |
Different ways to make a sum of five |
Letter story puzzles |
Some of our pattern snakes! |