We did a lot of celebrating in Kindergarten this week! We are learning so much!
We finished our Emergent Readers unit in Reading Workshop. To celebrate, the Kindergarten had a Storybook Parade through the halls of Ox Ridge, with all the older students cheering us on! We held our favorite storybooks as we walked through the school, celebrating that WE ARE READERS! Everyone was so proud and supportive of us. Please see the anchor chart in the photo below to see some of what we learned in this unit. We also read many sight word books, working on reading accurately while pointing to the words.
We also finished our first unit of Writing Workshop. We made a decision, just like an author, about which piece to publish, and we put our rough drafts aside. Then, we learned how to "fix and fancy" (edit and color) our pieces to make them as good as we can. Lastly, we shared all the we'd learned, hung our work in the hallway for all to see, and celebrated with a toast of bubbly! WE ARE ALL AUTHORS! Please see the photo below for some of our writing lessons from this unit.
In math this week, we learned about a tool called a ten frame. We'll use ten frames all year. We played a game called "Build It" where we represented various numbers on a ten frame. We also continued working on numeral formation. Lastly, we gathered data regarding what Halloween creature is the scariest. We made a graph and used tally marks to record our results.
Most of us think vampires are the scariest,
some think witches, and
less of us think Frankenstein is the scariest.
We finished learning how to write the "Frog Jump Letters" in our handwriting lessons. Please look for a practice sheet coming home. This sheet is for you to model correct formation and your child to copy.
We learned about our five senses in our science lessons this week. We studied a different sense every day. We played a listening game to exercise our sense of hearing and colored with scented markers to smell. Everyone made a book of their favorite things to see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. We also learned how if one sense is weak, other senses become super strong.
Everyone had a blast at our first Games time today! Thank you to everyone who volunteered!
News and Notes:
- Look for your child's Book Fair wish list coming home on Monday
- Our pumpkin carving next week is a secret!
- Halloween parade 10/31, outside at 9:45 am. Students should NOT wear their costumes to school, but bring them in a sturdy bag. We will change in/out of costumes at school.
Our Writing Workshop anchor chart |
Reading sight word books |
"Build It" on ten frames |
Our Emergent Storybook anchor chart |
Our favorite storybooks |
Our Kindergarten Storybook Parade |