Friday, May 26, 2017

Newsletter 5/26

We began a character study in reading workshop this week.  Every partnership is reading books on the same character, examining that character's traits in each story.  We are understanding our characters by what they say, do and think, not just external factors.

We are returning to writing narrative texts in Writing Workshop, but now everyone's stories are so much more detailed!  We began our unit by making a plan for our story, using a five page packet of paper.  After writing for a few days, we re-read our stories to make sure that everything "looked right" and "sounded right".

We were busy doing math assessments all week long!  Everyone worked really hard.

In phonics this week we studied the "QU" combination of letters.

In Social Studies, we made a map of our classroom with it's own key and we also talked about Memorial Day.

Our pupae have become adult ladybugs!  We watched them crawl all over our Ladybug Land and eat raisins.  Then, on Friday, we set them free!

News & Notes:
  • Have a great Memorial Day weekend!  Look for the whole Henry family at the parade and the Post 53 Food Fair!
  • Book sleeves due on Tuesday.
  • We will be having ZOO DAY next Friday, 6/2.  Have your child bring a small toy zoo animal to school.
  • Kindergarten Field Day- 5/31, 1:45-3:15   Stop by for a bit to watch or stay for the whole thing!
  • ALL PARENTS INVITED to our end of year celebration on June 14th from 2-3 pm.  We will be doing a craft, enjoying a treat and then some free play time with your child.  Save the date!

Mr. Warble reading a book

Studying characters

Our pupae are adults!  They are eating raisins.

Freeing the ladybugs!

Our class map