The last news of 2016!
We celebrated the end of our SUPER READERS unit in Reading Workshop today with our 5th Grade Buddies. We "rehearsed" reading a book with our powers all week. We know to give a book introduction, read the book fluently, with expression and then retell it when we're done. It's a lofty goal, but our powers will be getting stronger all year! We "performed" our books for our buddies on Friday. "Book Talk Power" is very important. Remember to, once in awhile, ask your child to introduce one of their books from their book sleeves to you before reading it, or to retell it when finished. It should sound something like "This book is called__________ and it's all about________ and I think________". I am so proud of your reader!
In Writing Workshop we continued to clean up our writing so readers can read it. We learned about the magic within a pencil; it can write, but when it's flipped, it's a re-reading tool! We wrote and re-read, wrote more and re-read, flipping our magic pencils all along. We also experimented with different forms of punctuation to end sentences.
We continued measuring in math, finding lines all over the room and measuring them using various strategies. We also faced the challenge of gathering data regarding our favorite winter activity. The students brainstormed ways to collect, organize and record the data. They decided that we could make a table, a graph or use tally marks. After a vote, (and then a tie-breaking round of Rock, Paper, Scissors!), the tally strategy was used. See our results below.
In Social Studies, we discussed holiday needs vs. wants.
In Science, we welcomed winter with a word web and recording what we notice at our "Observation Station".
We enjoyed the student Christmas Concert on Wednesday, listening to the school band, orchestra and chorus. Finally we had our All School Sing-A-Long on Friday! Happy Holidays!
News and Notes:
- Book sleeves will be sent home with books on 1/4, the first day back to school.
- Make sure to find your gift and card from your child in the plastic bag sent home yesterday!
Re-reading |
Adding finger spaces |
Recording the temperature at our "Observation Station" |
Measuring around the room! |
A Writing Workshop anchor chart |
Our rockin' Ox Ridge Musicians! |
Sing-A-Long fun |
The Ox Ridge Holiday Concert |
We decorated the front of the school with our 5th Grade Buddies! |
We surprised everyone with chalk designs at dismissal! |
Our Buddies listened to our super reading! |