Friday, April 1, 2016

Newsletter 4/1/16

We learned so much in Reading Workshop this week while researching about a topic with our partner!  We each read books on the same topic and then learned from one another.  When a reader is interested in a topic s/he gathers as much information about it as possible!

We finished our How To writing this week!  We picked one piece, worked on clarifying the steps and diagrams, edited the writing, fancied it up with color and added a cover.  Then, to celebrate, we shared it with our 5th Grade Buddy.  Our buddies shared their pieces, too, on their Chrome Books!  

In Second Steps we talked about how our bodies feel when we’re angry and what we can do about it.

In math this week we did an activity called “Inventory Bags”, where students found bags around the room containing various objects (i.e. 5 markers, 2 crayons and 3 pencils), and worked with a partner to add them all together and find a way to record their findings.

We began a new unit on geography this week and it is so much fun.  We are looking a different kinds of maps: paper maps, electronic maps, globes and atlases.  We made classroom maps for our friends to find treasure that we’d hidden.  We examined the world on Google Earth and learned about the colors of our planet.  We also learned the purpose of a legend.

News and Notes
Book buddy bags are due on Monday.
K concert 4/5 at 9:30 am
No K April 7-8