We continued our study of nonfiction texts this week, learning that readers point and talk to others about what they notice while looking closely at the pictures. Readers ask questions like, "I wonder why...?", "Where does...?", and "What is this?" while studying photos and illustrations. There is SO much more to learn about a topic other than what is in the written text! We enjoyed following our character friend, Peter, in Ezra Jack Keats'
A Letter to Amy. Peter is growing older and becoming a good friend!
We are also writing non-fiction texts! We'll be reading and writing non-fiction throughout the month of February. We continued learning about How-to writing: that a partner can act out the steps to see if they are confusing. We can also add diagrams with labels to our work.
In math we continued to explore all the ways to make 10. We shared our findings and made a chart showing all the ways. A +1 pattern makes a cool design! It's not done yet, but I'll take a photo and share it when it is.
In social studies, we welcomed February and discussed the MANY celebrations we'll be having. We predicted what the groundhog would do and who would win the Superbowl (see attached). We also attended an all-school assembly on Friday about Kindness Week (next week).
We had our science Weather-a-thon on Thursday! We mixed up all of the classes and went from room to room, enjoying hands on experiences with various kinds of weather. We made sun prints with Mrs. Egan, snow with Dr. Trifiatis and we recorded evidence of wind with Mrs. G. Everyone had a blast in our room, discussing the water cycle and making it rain!
News & Notes (February is a BUSY month so please read!)
- all mac n cheese boxes are due on Monday. We are SO close to having 100!
- $17.70 for field trip transportation is due Monday.
- book sleeves are due Monday.
- 100th Day of School is Tuesday (no prep needed on your end)
- If there is NOT a snow day early next week, then we will have a Teddy Bear Sleepover on 2/8. This is a secret for now, as I will have to cancel it if there is a snow day. I will send home information on Monday and hope for the best!
- student valentines due by 2/10 (one for each student, please). Send them in earlier if you'd like.
Adding important details to our How-To steps |
Raindrops falling around the room! |
Recording scientific observations outside |
Do you know which is your child's? It may surprise you! |
Many raindrops wrapped into a cloud (Sorry! Can't rotate it!) |